Sunday, March 20, 2011

Brief Update

I apologize for not updating as regularly recently, but I have had an unusually heavy course load lately, and as such, time to even think about updating has been scarce.

However, there has been a development with the Slender Man. The video distortion has become near constant, as best as I can determine. To elaborate, I have been doing what I have come to call “scans.” This is, of course, simply me pulling out my phone, making a short recording as I walk from place to place across campus, shooting my surroundings, and reviewing it to find any defects or consistencies. I have yet to see an actual Slender Man, with my own eyes or through the video recordings (though the low resolution of the video does limit how much detail I could see in the recordings to begin with).

Thus far, the only consistency is that I am near trees when the distortion occurs. This, of course, is meaningless as we have already established that Slender Men prefer wooded areas, and the college campus has small (at most a quarter acre, minimum tens of feet square) tree filled areas within sight of almost any building.

I’m currently trying to determine if there are any more consistencies, such as “favorite” areas for the distortion, or deterioration vs. location correlations. I must admit that I am not hopeful in this endeavor.

At least the noises haven’t been recurring lately, which allows me to sleep. Though who can tell if this is actually a fortunate turn of events or not?

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